A collection of newsworthy information as reported from newspapers, magazines, and blogs.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I believe that Black people will have to stand affirmative on this one, We have been thru hell in this Country.  We continue to go thru hell.  How can we in good conscience tell a very large segment of our brothers and sisters that they are not worthy of the very same rights that we fight for daily ??? even some 200 + years later, how do we tell them that they are second or third class and cannot decide who to love, that they are less than we, that's what has been done to us, We of all people know what that does to a person, I believe that Obama did what he had to do.  He came to the decision, So he acted like a man would act and delivered it regardless of his position in this election process, Millions of people now know how their leader feels about their rights, and for me that's a good and honorable thing, and just what I would expect of Barack Hussein Obama, well done Sir !!!  Darwin Phillips


  1. 54 percent — said it didn’t make much difference to them where a candidate stood on same-sex marriage. (Among independents, nearly two-thirds said a candidate’s position on gay marriage made no difference to their vote.) http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/why-president-obamas-same-sex-marriage-decision-matters-less-than-you-think/2012/05/10/gIQARrVHFU_blog.html

  2. When Barack Obama was born in 1961, his parents' interracial marriage was illegal in over 20 states. Thank God things have changed. Basic human civil rights should never be subject to majority rule.
