A collection of newsworthy information as reported from newspapers, magazines, and blogs.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Republican Obstructionism - This is Not Political Theatre

The president said bipartisanship doesn't mean majority Democrats should give up everything they believe in and only work on a handful of things the Republicans want.

"The people who sent us here expect a seriousness of purpose that transcends petty politics,"

"We can't afford grandstanding at the expense of actually getting something done,"

"What I won't consider is doing nothing."

"I won't hesitate to embrace a good idea from my friends in the minority party, but I also won't hesitate to condemn ... what I consider to be obstinacy," Obama said.

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll suggests that the public is frustrated by the bickering and recriminations. According to the survey, 57 percent of Americans consider the loss of the Senate Democrats' filibuster-proof supermajority a "good thing," but few think Republicans should wield their new power to block bills frequently.   It turns out that "even Republicans are critical of their congressional leadership, with 44 percent seeing them as doing too little to strike deals with Obama." 

The Huffington Post’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains why GOP obstructionism is preventing President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats from passing a health reform bill.

Feb 17:  Rachel Maddow delivers the tally of senators who support or oppose the Senate filibuster

Source:  http://voices.washingtonpost.com/ezra-klein/2010/02/americans_still_want_health-ca.html?wpisrc=nl_pmpolitics

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